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NPHS Library Procedures during COVID


Hybrid A/B Students


1. A schedule/time will be developed by the librarian with teacher collaboration for student

checkout times.Teachers may send students individually or in small groups of


2.Students will not be allowed to browse the shelves to check out books. Students will use the

Destiny catalog (in the library or remotely) and complete a book request slip.The librarian will

pull the book from the shelf and check out the book to the student.


3.A crate will be placed on the circulation desk for returned books. The librarian will scan the

books, marking them in the computer as checked in, and place them in another crate marked

with the day of the week. Books will be wiped down and quarantined there for 2 days before

being shelved for additional checkout.


Virtual Students


  • Virtual students, using the library catalog link on the district website, will place holds on desired books.

  • The librarian will pull the books, check them out to the student, and take them to the front office for a parent to pick up during office hours.

  • These books should be returned through the front office. A crate will be placed in the office and the librarian will retrieve the books daily to ensure proper quarantine time for the books.

  • If physical access to the library is needed, parents may email the librarian for scheduled library site access.




  • Students must remain six feet apart when checking out books at the circulation desk.

  • Students must social distance when searching Destiny catalog.

  • Students must have a student ID to check out books (once the IDs are issued).

  • Overdue fines will be temporarily waived. Notification will be given when overdue fines resume.

  •  Students will still be responsible for the cost of lost or damaged books.

  • Procedures may be modified as state/government guidelines change.

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